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Foundation Course Overview

This foundation course was developed to make available a universally recognised and adopted training package that can be used to promote the worldwide application of the International Ammunition Technical Guidelines (IATG). The design of this comprehensive package was informed and refined through a training needs assessment (TNA) process that included reviewing existing training materials and conducting consultation interviews with technical assistance and training providers, as well as in-country practitioners. A Training Review Working Group (TRWG) made up of relevant multi-lateral and international organisations and private companies was asked to review and validate the findings of the TNA along with the proposed training package development plan.

Target Audience

The target audience for the foundation course are all technical personnel responsible for the daily activities at the ammunition storage areas (ASA) on the operational level.  

Training Package Structure

The training package consists of the following seven modules:

  1. Ammunition and Explosive Safety
  2. Reducing Risk in Storage
  3. Ammunition Storage Infrastructure
  4. Ammunition Storage and Operations
  5. Ammunition Accounts
  6. Ammunition Safety and Performance
  7. Ammunition Policy and Regulations

Each module comprises downloadable teaching material that can be used during the courses. It is important to note that the teaching material provides a framework for delivery, which should be by an appropriately experienced ammunition management practitioner who is on the UN SaferGuard roster of experts.  Training providers should use their own personal knowledge and experience to enhance the framework material provided.